
The Distance Between Bullshit and Me

Hi! I hope you are happy and healthy. This is the end of the one-year weekly posting effort to boost SEO of Fearless Puppy. Thank you very, very much to all who clicked on the backlinks and helped so much to make Fearless Puppy easier to find online. Your effort is deeply appreciated. This is the last post. If you want to catch any that you’ve missed or read any of them again, they are nearly all at   You might also find other parts of the website to be entertaining. I can be  s arcastic at times, occasionally long-winded and repetitive, a bit preachy here and there, and even a little boring now and then. I apologize for those bits and hope you have enjoyed the rest. I’m not the brightest bulb in any fixture but I have been lucky enough to experience some exceptional women and men. With any luck, their smart stuff has gotten past my density well enough to show up occasionally in the writing. Many of those exceptional people were comedians, so ...

Back To Boudha Part 3

  Hello! I hope you are happy and healthy. The party rocks on here in Boudha. I hope it is going well where you are. Just one more post next week and this year-long SEO project will be done! Thank you for reading, and  thank you for clicking the backlinks . Be well. Love, Tenzin p.s. As always, if you find the reading at all  e njoyable, please —  it literally takes only seconds  — click one or more or all of the highlighted backlinks following this paragraph. This simple process is completely without risk, cost, or difficulty. All it does is bring you to the site that is highlighted. Each click is a big help in pushing Fearless Puppy up in the Google rankings. Whether you browse the sites or close the windows immediately, your help has been delivered when you click. Thank you! FEARLESS PUPPY WEBSITE BLOG FEARLESS PUPPY ON AMERICAN ROAD/AMAZON PAGE REINCARNATION THROUGH COMMON SENSE/AMAZON PAGE FEARLESS WEBSITE Festival Time! and Family As A Work Of Art T ihar f...